Hesburgh Libraries

Thomas Mahaffey, Jr. Business Library

The Thomas Mahaffey, Jr. Business Library is located on the Lower Level of the Mendoza College of Business at the base of the circular staircase. As a branch of the Hesburgh Libraries, we serve the business information needs of Mendoza as well as the wider University community.


  1. Wall Street Journal

Market Research

More Business Resources

Business Resources, A-Z



Business, General

Company Research


Industry Research

Management and Organization

Marketing and Advertising

Featured Services

Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery

Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery

Ask A Business Librarian

Ask A Business Librarian

Course Reserves

Course Reserves

A scene that depicts Thomas Mahaffey, Jr. Business Library

Mahaffey Business Library

L001 Mendoza College of Business

(574) 631-9098

284 Hesburgh Library, Notre Dame, IN 46556

Circulation Desk Phone (574) 631-6679

Security Monitors Phone (574) 631-6350


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Phone Number: (574) 631-6679