Koranic Studies Online
Qur'anic Studies Online gives access to:- Encyclopaedia of the Qur'ān Online, an encyclopaedic dictionary of qur'ānic terms, concepts, personalities, place names, cultural history and exegesis extended with essays on the most important themes and subjects within qur'ānic studies.- Early Western Korans Online, a collection of 62 korans printed in Arabic type in several Western European cities between 1537 and 1857.- Qurʼān Concordance, a unique finding aid which allows users to identify and localize text fragments, or even snippets, of the Qurʼān.- Dictionary of Qurʼānic Usage, a fully-researched and contextualised Arabic-English dictionary of Qur'anic usage - Concordance et indices de la tradition musulmane, a research tool for those who are interested in Islam’s Tradition (ḥadīth) literature. - Encyclopedia of canonical ḥadīth, which comprises English translations of all canonical ḥadīths (oral traditions of or about the Prophet Muhammad).