Hesburgh Libraries

Database of Latin dictionaries

The aim of the database is not only to integrate different types of Latin dictionaries, whether modern, medieval or early-modern, but also to build in links between these different tools. Where the dictionaries provide Latin terms and vernacular equivalents or explanations (whether in contemporary or historic forms of English, French or German), searches will be possible on both the Latin lemmata and the English, French or German lemmata. All Latin word-forms that appear concretely in texts will have a link to entries in relevant dictionaries and from there the user can go and read the selected dictionary entry. The database will continue to grow gradually and will comprise three kinds of dictionaries: dictionaries to assist translation from Latin into modern languages, dictionaries providing semantic and etymological explanations in Latin of Latin words historical Latin dictionaries.

Access Links

  1. Database of Latin dictionaries


Lexicon totius latinitatis.
Onomasticon totius latinitatis.
Latin dictionary founded on Andrews' edition of Freund's Latin dictionary.
Dictionnaire latin-français des auteurs chrétiens.
Lexicon Latinitatis Medii Aevi.
Dictionnaire latin-français des auteurs du Moyen-Age.
Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis.
Firmini Verris Dictionarius.
Anonymi montepessulanensis dictionarius.
Dictionarius familiaris et compendiosus.
Dictionnaire latin-français de Guillaume le Talleur


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