Hesburgh Libraries

Naxos Music Library

Streaming audio access to large collection of CD-length recordings. Includes Classical, Jazz, World, Classic Rock, and Nostalgia music. The online access includes program notes, cover artwork, tracklist, instrumentation and publisher information, libretti and synopses of more than 700 operas, as well as biographical information on composers or artists. Naxos Music Library features the complete catalogues or selected recordings of over 770 labels.

Access Links

  1. Naxos Music Library

    When using the mobile app, select "Connect with your institution" and use code UNDNMLpaid17IOW to obtain access (the code is case sensitive). Once the code is verified, you can create an account.



284 Hesburgh Library, Notre Dame, IN 46556

Circulation Desk Phone (574) 631-6679

Security Monitors Phone (574) 631-6350


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Phone Number: (574) 631-6679