Hesburgh Libraries

New York Times

The New York Times is a global media company dedicated to creating on-the-ground, expert and deeply reported independent journalism. Established in 1851, The New York Times’s mission is to seek the truth and help people understand the world. In education, their goal is to help today’s students become tomorrow’s global citizens. The New York Times brings together breaking news, diverse perspectives, and reporting on nearly every topic and area of interest, including business, technology, climate change and science, the arts and culture, health, world news, and more.

Access Links

  1. New York Times


Users will need to create an account to gain access

Please note if you have an existing paid NYT subscription, you must cancel it before your account can be linked to the University’s subscription; you may cancel through Customer Care.

The Athletic : Users must be at least 18 years old or have the consent of a legal guardian to subscribe to and access The Athletic.  
• The TimesMachine, archives dating back to 1851.
• The New York Times News App.
Podcasts. Subscription includes access to New York Times Audio app.
• All multimedia, including video, photography, VR features, and new multimedia to come.
Spanish and Mandarin Chinese versions of NYTimes.com.

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