Hesburgh Libraries

Encyclopaedia of Islam, first edition (1913-1936) /

Encyclopaedia of Islam First Edition Online

"The Encyclopaedia of Islam First Edition Online (EI1) was originally published in print between 1913 and 1936. The demand for an encyclopaedic work on Islam was created by the increasing (colonial) interest in Muslims and Islamic cultures during the nineteenth century. The scope of the Encyclopedia of Islam First Edition Online is philology, history, theology and law until early 20th century. Such famous scholars as Houtsma, Wensinck, Gibb, Snouck Hurgronje, and Levi-Provencal were involved in this scholarly endeavor. The Encyclopedia of Islam First Edition Online offers access to 9,000 articles."

Access Links

  1. Encyclopaedia of Islam, first edition (1913-1936) /



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