Hesburgh Libraries

Making of the Modern World

The Making of the Modern World is extraordinary for research into the history of the dynamics of Western trade, including the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain, encompassing the coal, iron, and steel industries, the railway industry, the cotton industry, banking and finance, and the emergence of the modern corporation. It is also strong in the rise of the modern labor movement, the evolving status of slavery, the condition and making of the working class, colonization, the Atlantic world, Latin American/Caribbean studies, social history, gender, and the economic theories that championed and challenged capitalism in the nineteenth century.

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  1. Making of the Modern World


Notre Dame faculty, staff, and students

Part I: Goldsmiths'-Kress Collection, 1450-1850
Part II: 1851-1914
Part III: 1890-1945
Part IV: 1800-1890


284 Hesburgh Library, Notre Dame, IN 46556

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