Hesburgh Libraries

19th Century British Pamphlets

Nineteenth Century British Pamphlets

Provides access to full text of significant British pamphlets from the 19th century held in UK research libraries that cover political, social, and economic issues of 19th century Britain. Included are the following individual collections that belonged to politicians or political families: Bristol Selected pamphlets (1800-1899); Cowen Tracts (1603-1898); Earl Grey Pamphlets collection (1800-1900); Foreign and Commonwealth Office collection (1545-1900); Hume Tracts (1769-1890); Knowsley Pamphlet collection (1792-1868); LSE Selected pamphlets (1800-1899); Manchester Selected pamphlets (1799-1900); and Wilson Anti-slavery collection (1761-1900).

Access Links

  1. 19th Century British Pamphlets


Bristol selected pamphlets.
Cowan tracts.
Earl Grey pamphlets collection.
Foreign and Commonwealth Office collection.
Hume tracts.
Knowsley pamphlet collection.
LSE selected pamphlets.
Manchaster selected pamphlets.
Wilson anti-slavery collection


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