Includes detailed information on over 37,500 active and approximately 38,000 dormant international organizations from 300 countries and territories - including intergovernmental (IGOs) and international non-governmental organizations (INGOs). Approximately 1,200 new organizations are added each year. The Yearbook includes detailed descriptions of international organizations, and also includes relationships and cross-links with other listed international organizations. In addition, biographical information is provided on principal officers, as well as bibliographical information on the organization's main publications and information services. Statistics on international organizations are summed up in separate charts, tables and other visual representations, giving an overview of a broad range of organizational data, and making it easy to compare and identify trends. Includes all data published in the printed Yearbook of international organizations (Volumes 1A, 1B, 2, 3, and 4), Who's who in international organizations, and the searchable databases: Global strategies - solutions, Human values, Human development, Patterns and metaphors, Bibliography (issues), Integrative concepts, Network visualizations, and Transnational associations.