Hesburgh Libraries

Maʼagar ʻede nusaḥ shel ha-Talmud ha-Bavli ʻa. sh. Sol ṿe-Eṿelin Henḳaind

"Primary witnesses to the Babylonian Talmud, including the first printed editions, full and fragmentary manuscripts (more than half of the known genizah fragments of the Talmud), as well as fragments of Talmudic texts discovered in European book bindings."--Institute description.

Access Links

  1. Maʼagar ʻede nusaḥ shel ha-Talmud ha-Bavli ʻa. sh. Sol ṿe-Eṿelin Henḳaind


Notre Dame faculty, staff, and students Access restricted to 3 simultaneous users

Index of References Dealing with Talmudic Literature


284 Hesburgh Library, Notre Dame, IN 46556

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