Hesburgh Libraries

Chinese Picture Story Books Digital Library

Zhongguo lian huan hua shu zi tu shu guan

A digital library of more than 4,000 Chinese picture books (连环画), accompanied with approximately 700 audio files in Mandarin Chinese (approximately 500 books), Uyghur (100 books), and Kazakh (50 books). Browseable by categories: Classic Novels; Mythology; Idiom Stories; Red Classics; Juvenile Literature; Martial Arts Novels; Contemporary Chinese Literature; Foreign Literature, etc. Included in the collection is the picture book series (连环画报), published, since 1951, by the People's Fine Arts Publishing House. Also included is a reference source, Lianhuanhua baike (连环画百科 = Chinese picture book encyclopedia), which provides brief introductory articles about the Chinese picture book history, tradition, theories, techniques, and also a biographical dictionary of famous picture book artists.

Access Links

  1. Chinese Picture Story Books Digital Library


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