Includes dictionaries (Japanese, English-Japanese, Japanese-English and English-English); the Nihon daihyakka zensho (Nipponica), a full text 30 vol. encyclopedia; two dictionaries of current words: Imidas and Gendai yōgo no kiso chishiki; a dictionary of scientific terms: Kagaku gijutsu ryakugo jiten; a biographical dictionary: Nihon jinmei daijiten; the JK Who's Who; the Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan; a news database (NNA) that covers Asia and the European Union; a full-text journal: Shūkan ekonomisuto; Edo-Tōkyō kasane chizu (map); full-text of books in the Tōyō bunko series; chronologies (world history, Japan by period, Japan by prefecture, science, culture, society, daily life, social movements, economics and for individuals); a database of video (TV, news) recordings from 1908 to 2005; database of dissertations from the humanities departments of six universities in Japan; URL database; books in print database; sound library; music library. In JK select series, Jitsū (character dictionary compiled by Shirakawa Shizuka) and Nihon rekishi chimei taikei are available. In JK + NKR, Nihon kokugo daijiten and Kokushi daijiten are also available.
Limited to 6 simultaneous users which are shared with 7 institutions.
Notre Dame faculty, staff, and students Access limited to 6 simultaneous users which are shared with 6 institutions
Encyclopedia of Japan.
Shūkan Ekonomisuto.
Nihon daihyakka zensho.
Gendai yōgo no kiso chishiki.
Nihon jinmei daijiten.
JK who's who.
Edo-Tōkyō kasane chizu.
Tōyō bunko.
Nihon rekishi chimei taikei.
Nihon kokugo daijiten.
Kokushi daijiten