Hesburgh Libraries

History Vault: International Relations and Military Conflicts

Collections span 1911-1975, offering a detailed view of U.S. foreign relations. These collections provide an excellent view of U.S. international relations during these important years, and also offer detailed information on the countries in which the U.S. diplomatic or military officials were stationed, making these collections an excellent source for studies of individual countries or regions of the world. This category contains documentation on events such as World War I, World War II, and Vietnam War battles; and on international diplomatic events such as the Yalta Conference, the Potsdam Conference, the 1952 Treaty of Peace with Japan, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, Nixon’s trip to China in 1972, and Henry Kissinger's Shuttle Diplomacy to the Middle East, 1973-1975.

Access Links

  1. History Vault: International Relations and Military Conflicts


CIA Cold War Research Reports and Records on Communism in China and Eastern Europe, 1917-1976
Confidential U.S. State Department and Diplomatic Post Special Files, Asia, 1945-1966
Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files, 1960-1969: Africa and Middle East
Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files, 1960-1969: Asia
Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files, 1960-1969: Europe and Latin America
Creation of Israel: British Foreign Office Correspondence on Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1948
Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Early Cold War, 1946-1960
Nazi Looted Art and Assets: Records on the Post-World War II Restitution Process
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)-State Department Intelligence and Research Reports, 1941-1961
Planning for the Post-World War II World, State Department Records of Harley A. Notter, 1939-1945
U.S. Diplomatic Post Records, 1914-1945
U.S. Military Intelligence Reports, 1911-1944
Vietnam War and American Foreign Policy, 1960-1975
World War I: British Foreign Office Political Correspondence
World War I: Records of the American Expeditionary Forces and Diplomacy in the World War I Era
World War II: U.S. Documents on Planning, Operations, Intelligence, Axis War Crimes, and Refugees

284 Hesburgh Library, Notre Dame, IN 46556

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