Hesburgh Libraries

Archival Research Lab II: Inside the Archive

Oct 13, 2021

10:00 am – 11:15 am

103 Hesburgh Library, Rare Books & Special Collections

This two-session workshop provides an introduction to advanced archival research.

In part one, you will learn strategies for finding and evaluating relevant archival collections and steps to consider before going to an archive.

In part two, you will “enter the archive,” completing the registration process and handling and examining different archival materials and formats.

This workshop is designed for those without archival research experience, to introduce them to the world of archives and special collections. It's also a refresher and skill-building opportunity for those planning to visit archives in the post-COVID environment.

Participants will learn:

  1. How to find relevant archival sources in databases and on the web
  2. How to prepare for a research trip
  3. Standard procedures and techniques that archivists and special collections curators expect researchers to be familiar with and practice
  4. Types of materials you might encounter in an archive or special collections and ways to approach them
  5. Planning for post-trip work and further research (building relationships with archivists and special collections curators)

There are no prerequisites, but participants are strongly encouraged to bring their laptop to the session.

Note: Students may attend one or both sessions.

Presented by:
Rachel Bohlmann, American History Librarian and Curator
Aedin Clements, Irish Studies Librarian
Erika Hosselkus, Latin American Curator

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