Hesburgh Libraries

Citation Management with Mendeley

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

10:00 am – 11:00 am


Click here to register for the virtual session.

Citation managers dramatically cut down time spent on formatting style-bound citations or on assembling bibliographies, and, moreover, can serve as a private library of all the sources you have ever worked with, aiding in managing and retaining your knowledge base.

This workshop will teach you how to use Mendeley, one of the best-known citation managers on the market, for the following tasks:

  1. Install and set-up
  2. Pull bibliographic records from databases and create records
  3. Create citations and bibliographies and convert them from one style guide to another
  4. Organize a reference collection
  5. Share a collection for a collaborative project

No prior knowledge is needed, but participants are strongly encouraged to bring the device they most often use for research and writing.

Presented by Anton Povzner, 5+1 Postdoctoral Intern, Department of English

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