Hesburgh Libraries

Dissertation Day Camp

Saturday, February 24, 2018

9:30 am – 4:30 pm

Hesburgh Library

Camp Overview

Dissertation Day Camp offers a full day of writing, that the participant can extend beyond the 4:30 end time as they choose. The day begins and ends with goal setting and goal assessment exercises to help frame the day and measure progress. Meetings with a writing consultant are available to provide feedback or help with difficult transitions—it's also a good way to check that you're saying what you think you're saying.

We'll provide coffee and hot water for tea all day long, snacks in the morning and afternoon, and a solid lunch. Your goal is to practice the process of writing during the designated writing times.

NOTE: The location may change due to renovation. Updates will be sent prior to the day of the event to confirm the location.

Related LibGuide: Graduate Student Thesis & Dissertation and Senior Thesis Camp by Mandy Havert

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