Hesburgh Libraries

Dissertation Day Camp – Morning Session

Saturday, March 13, 2021

8:30am – 12:30pm

Virtual via Zoom

Dissertation Camp Overview

Winter Session Dissertation Camp offers a half-day of writing and research time. You are registering for five, daily, half-day virtual sessions.

We will begin and end with goal setting and goal assessment exercises to help frame the day and measure progress. Your goal is to practice the process of writing and research during the designated writing times and build the habit of regularly assessing your progress and development.

Camp availability is subject to change based on the pandemic status. We will meet via Zoom by 8:30am.

Camp Schedule

8:30am - 8:45am – Goal setting and kick-off

  1. Identify an accountability partner
  2. Share daily goals and challenges you intend to address with your work
  3. Sign-ups for a 20-minute productivity consultation with Abby Jorgensen from the University Writing Center will be made available to registrants. We will contact you with the link to select a time (limited number of time slots available).

8:45am - 12:15pm – Morning Work Session
Individual or small-group worktime

  1. Small online groups may request breakout rooms via chat within Zoom.
  2. Self-moderate breaks on your own during this time

12:15pm - 12:30pm – Daily wrap up and plan next steps
Reconvene by 12:15pm

  1. Virtual breakout rooms will be automatically recalled
  2. Find your accountability partner and prepare for the discussion
  3. Create a notation in your dissertation log for where you should begin work at the time of your next research and writing session
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