Online via Zoom
Dissertation Day Camp offers a full day of writing and research time. The day begins and ends with goal setting and goal assessment exercises to help frame the day and measure progress. Your goal is to practice the process of writing and research during the designated writing times and to build the habit of regularly assessing your progress and development. Camp availability is subject to change based on the pandemic status.
We will meet via Zoom by 9:30am. You will be muted during work sessions or can request a breakout room using the Zoom chat feature.
9:30am - 9:45 am – Goal setting and kick-off
9:45am - 12:15pm – Morning Work Session
Individual or small-group worktime
12:15pm - 1:15pm – Lunch (on your own)
1:15pm - 4:15pm – Afternoon Work Session
Individual or small-group worktime
4:15pm - Daily wrap up and plan next steps
Reconvene by 4:15pm
Related LibGuide: Graduate Student Thesis & Dissertation and Senior Thesis Camp