Hesburgh Libraries

Fall Dissertation Camp Application Deadline

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Application window closes at midnight

Application Form

The Hesburgh Libraries proudly offers a research and writing program co-sponsored with the University Writing Center. Dissertation & Thesis Camp is a week-long writing retreat that will give participants a chance to focus exclusively on their dissertation/thesis project with few distractions. Dissertation Camp is a five-day commitment, October 17-21, during which your participation is expected between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm.

Coffee, tea, lunch, and snacks are provided.

The application window closes October 9, 2022. Click here to submit your application.

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  1. Jumpstart or move forward in their research and writing process
  2. Work in dedicated spaces in the Hesburgh Library
  3. Consult with their subject librarians
  4. Consult with University Writing Center tutors
  5. Consult with the dissertation editor from the Graduate School
  6. Engage with colleagues and other graduate divisions to learn best practices from peers
  7. Form communities of practice to engage in the camp process after camp's conclusion

Please note:

  1. Camp admission is prioritized to those students who are in the active writing phase, either:
    1. post-proposal defense phase, or
    2. post thesis approval stage
  2. Notification will be given no later than one week before camp
  3. Invitation to register is sent after application review & within two weeks of the camp start
  4. Graduate students not yet in the active thesis or dissertation writing phase are admitted, space permitting

Related LibGuide: Graduate Student Thesis & Dissertation and Senior Thesis Camp

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