Hesburgh Libraries

GIS Day 2021

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

8:00 am – 12:00 pm

246 Hesburgh Library, Navari Family Center for Digital Scholarship

Join us for GIS Day at Notre Dame — a symposium that combines workshops, presentations, and more to demonstrate the power of geospatial technologies.

Want to participate?

Share how GIS contributes to your real-world research and projects that make a difference in our community and around the world. Submit a brief abstract with title and all author affiliation(s), and indicate your preference for an in-person or virtual format to Matthew.Sisk@nd.edu by November 1.

GIS Day Schedule

9:00am – 10:00am
"Introduction to Geographic Information Systems"
Presenter: Matthew Sisk, GIS and Anthropology Librarian

10:00am – 11:00am
“FieldKit: Open Source Environmental Sensing for Everyone”
Presenter: Jer Thorp, author of Living in Data

During this presentation, a FieldKit Weather station will be raffled off to a participant.

11:00am – noon
Lightning Talks

Note: To participate, please submit a brief abstract with title and all author affiliation(s), and indicate your preference for an in-person or virtual format to Matthew.Sisk@nd.edu.

Noon – 1:00pm
Campus GIS Spotlight & Reception
Join us for GIS Day cookies and coffee during the spotlight presentation.

"The Children’s Environmental Health Initiative: People, Data, and Maps"
Presenter: Joshua Tootoo, Director of Training and Geospatial Sciences, Children's Environmental Health Initiative



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