Hesburgh Libraries

PresQT Preservation Quality Tool Workshop Session 2

Monday, September 18, 2017

2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

presqt overview

Workshop Overview

Please join us for this free pre-conference event focused on Preservation Quality Tool development collocated at Research Data Alliance 10th Plenary Meeting in Montreal.

PresQT aims to complement existing repository infrastructure and more deeply integrate workflow and software preservation tools with an aim toward data preservation that facilitates scientific reuse and experimental reproducibility.

Workshop participants will explore system architecture alternatives, discuss user experience opportunities, and prioritize functional requirements for the proposed tool.

Target Audience: We seek input from domain researchers, data curators, repository managers, librarians, software developers, workflow tool developers, data scientists and editors/publishers.

Workshop Format

  1. Welcome and Short Introductory talk about aims of PresQT
  2. Update on PresQT Needs Analysis early survey results
  3. Lightning talks
  4. Coffee/Tea Break
  5. Roundtable Breakouts: Potential groups may include Needs analysis/survey, Tech recommendation report team, Implementation Funding, Features Brainstorming
  6. Panel Discussion

Learn more

Visit the PresQT website for more information on the PresQT project.

Learn more about the workshop session and register.


PresQT Team


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