Hesburgh Libraries

Public Domain Workshop: Music Modernization Act

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

264 Hesburgh Library

Learn what sound recordings have entered the public domain and what that means for you as a music creator. The presentation will also include a look into a digital project that samples public domain sound recordings and supports the transformation of them into hip-hop elements.

The presentation closes with a brief workshop introduction to Audacity — a free and expansive sound editing software that can be used to manipulate and sample these public domain sound recordings.

Participants will learn:

  1. Information about the Music Modernization Act, especially the Title II CLASSICS Act
  2. Information about early sound recordings (how they were created and enjoyed)
  3. How to use CitizenDJ
  4. Introduction to Audacity

There are no prerequisites.

Related LibGuide: Public Domain Day Music Contest

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