The Hesburgh Libraries offers a research and writing program co-sponsored with the University Writing Center. Dissertation and Thesis Camp is a five-day writing retreat that will give participants a chance to focus exclusively on their dissertation or thesis projects.
Camp is held March 10 – 14 in 231 Hesburgh Library. Attendees are asked to actively participate in the camp experience by working with the University Writing Center to outline writing and research goals for the week. Attendees are also asked to commit to attending all five days of camp, arriving each morning by 9 a.m. for morning goal-setting by Writing Center staff and ending each day with a wrap-up session at 4 p.m.
Breakfast, lunch, coffee, tea, and snacks are available during the week.
Interested graduate students are invited to apply using this form beginning February 7. A confirmation email will be sent once all pre-registration steps have been completed. Note: the application window will remain open until all seats are filled.
Related LibGuide: Graduate Student Thesis & Dissertation and Thesis Camp