Hesburgh Libraries

Usability Day 2017

Thursday, November 9, 2017

9:30 am – 12:00 pm

129 Center for Digital Scholarship


World Usability Day is an annual day of celebration and education centered around usability. The objective of this day is to bring together people interested in usability, user experience, accessibility, service design, and other related fields, in order to have conversations about how we can work toward ensuring that services and products used in daily life are accessible and simple to use.

Please join us for a few informal sessions on Usability to celebrate this year's World Usability Day!

These sessions are free and open to all.

Schedule of Events

All sessions will take place in the Center for Digital Scholarship Classroom 129.

9:30 – 10:30am WCAG 2.0 and Me: An overview of the standard from a technical perspective Jonathan Hartzler, Lead Software Engineer, Hesburgh Libraries

Going forward, accessibility standards is going to be a larger part of our work when creating and managing content. This seminar will look at the issues outlined in the accessibility standard, WCAG 2.0, with a focus on the points that relate to application development and management.

__10:30 – 11am __ Coffee, cookies, and conversation

11am – noon Creating Accessible PDFs—Hands-On Workshop Julie Vecchio, Assistant Director, Hesburgh Libraries Center for Digital Scholarship

We all benefit from accessible documents! This workshop will provide a basic overview of a few basic steps that should be followed to ensure that your content is accessible.

Participants will learn:

  1. how to format a Word document for accessibility
  2. how to convert an existing Word or PDF document into an accessible PDF
  3. how to review/edit an existing PDF for accessibility


Anna Michelle Martinez-Montavon, amarti24@nd.edu

Julie Vecchio, jvecchio@nd.edu

Kate Russell, krussell@nd.edu

Randy Harrison, rharriso@nd.edu

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