Hesburgh Libraries

Virtual Data Carpentry: Introduction to Cloud Computing for Genomics

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Zoom Meeting


The Cloud is a fancy name for the huge network of computers that host your favorite websites, lets you stream movies, and shop online, but you can also harness all of that computing power for running analyses that would take days, weeks or even years on your local computer.

In this lesson, you’ll learn about renting cloud services that fit your analytic needs, and how to interact with one of those services, AWS, via the command line.

This lesson assumes a working understanding of the bash shell. If you haven’t already completed the Shell Genomics lesson, and aren’t familiar with the bash shell, please review those materials before starting this lesson.

Connect via Zoom

Please register for this event. A URL to join the Zoom session will be emailed to you one hour before the workshop start time. To ensure access to the workshop from the virtual waiting room, your Zoom name should match the information provided when registering for the workshop. Please email cds@nd.edu with any questions or issues.


David is a PhD student in Computational Biology. David is interested in the factors that affect microbial communities’ diversity over time. David writes new software, as well as uses experimental systems. David also researches computational methods in general ecological data, specifically within Metabarcoding, which is the idea of using a single gene region to parse out which species are in a sample, working out how to associate community structure with the environment, and looking at rare and pathogenic species in large amounts of data.

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