Even though our physical spaces are closed, we’re still here to help you virtually.
We will continue to provide services via virtual access to expertise and online resources in support of your distance learning and research. Our expertise and services are just a chat, email, or Zoom consultation away.
Math Tutors are available virtually
Sun, Mon, and Wed, 7pm-11pm.
Schedule your appointment today.
Do you have multimedia assignments? Looking for inspiration? is a great website that features student work and step-by-step guides for completing projects with images, audio, video, and data.
Need help with your multimedia projects?
Get virtual support from the Media Corps — a team of undergrad coaches who are trained to help you learn how to capture, edit, and produce digital media.
Coaches are available online, Sunday - Thursday, 3:30pm - 9:30pm.
Schedule your virtual consultation today.
Need subject-specific support? Our team of subject experts can help you find resources, research guides, and much more.
Explore our list of subjects and specialists.
Or schedule an appointment to meet virtually with a librarian for research assistance.
Find resources and tools to complete your research and assignments — available 24/7 at
Need help finding materials? Not sure where to start or who to ask? Ask Us questions via Chat at or email