Hesburgh Libraries

Virtual Library Carpentry: OpenRefine Session 1

Thursday, April 2, 2020

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Zoom Meeting


This session introduces working with data in OpenRefine. You will learn what the OpenRefine software does and how to use it to work with data files. OpenRefine can be used to standardize and clean data in a file. OpenRefine is useful where you have data in a simple delimited format such as a spreadsheet, a comma separated values file (csv), or a tab delimited file (tsv), but with internal inconsistencies either in data formats, where data appears, or in the terminology used.


  1. Use OpenRefine to Get an overview of a data set
  2. Resolve inconsistencies in a data set, for example standardizing date formatting
  3. Split cells which contain multiple bits of data so that each piece of data is in its own cell
  4. Match local data up to other data sets
  5. Enhance a data set with data from other sources
  6. Answer questions about the content of a data set using facets
  7. Use facets and filters to work with a subset of data
  8. Correct data problems through a facet
  9. Use clustering to identify and fix replace varying forms of the same data with a single consistent value

Connect via Zoom

Please register for this event. A URL to join the Zoom session will be emailed to you one hour before the workshop start time. To ensure access to the workshop from the virtual waiting room, your Zoom name should match the information provided when registering for the workshop. Please email cds@nd.edu with any questions or issues.


You will need to install OpenRefine and download the data file doaj-article-sample.csv to follow the lesson in this session.

OpenRefine does not support Internet Explorer or Edge. For this session please use Firefox, Chrome or Safari instead. See Setup for more information. If you’d like help to address difficulties you encounter with setup, please contact cds@nd.edu.

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