Hesburgh Libraries

Virtual Personal Digital Preservation Basics

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Zoom Meeting

Workshop Overview

Our photos, digital documents, and paper documents are a vital link to the past, and the information we create today has the same value. The only difference is that much of it is now digital. Maybe you want to keep some digital photos, email, and other files so that you and your family can look at them in the future. This workshop will provide some resources and high-level tips on how to organize your personal digital materials in order to preserve your “born digital” information and make it available for future generations.

Connect via Zoom

Please register for this event. A URL to join the Zoom session will be emailed to you one hour before the workshop start time. To ensure access to the workshop from the virtual waiting room, your Zoom name should match the information provided when registering for the workshop. Please email cds@nd.edu with any questions or issues.

Open to all graduate and undergraduate students, postdocs, faculty, and staff.

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