Hesburgh Libraries

Graduate Student Carrels

Closed carrels provide a quiet study and work space for graduate students working on their dissertations in the College of Arts and Letters. To request a carrel, please contact Allison Collins, Operations Program Manager, College of Arts and Letters, at 574-631-5478 or email asheets1@nd.edu.

Once a carrel has been assigned, email circ@nd.edu to arrange your carrel key pickup at the Hesburgh Library Circulation Desk. A $100 refundable deposit is due at checkout and will be charged to your student account. The deposit will be refunded when the carrel key is returned and the carrel is emptied.

To maintain an atmosphere conducive to study and avoid disturbing other library users, carrel holders are to observe reasonable standards of quiet. Carrel holders are expected to comply with all regulations pertaining to the use of closed carrels. Library Administration reserves the right to revoke carrel assignments of anyone who fails to comply with these regulations. Acceptance of an assigned carrel indicates your agreement to abide by these regulations.

Misc. Carrel Use Guidelines

  1. The carrel is for your use only and may not be shared with an unauthorized person.
  2. Closed carrels are not soundproof and cannot be used for meetings, group studies, office hours, etc.
  3. Safety regulations require that the door window remain visible at all times -- Do not place papers, curtains, clothing, etc. over the window.
  4. Alcohol and smoking or other items used to simulate smoking are strictly prohibited.
  5. Cooking or heating devices for preparing food or drinks are prohibited.
  6. Do not place combustible materials against heating units/vents, light fixtures, or other electrical items.
  7. All electronic devices must be turned off and unplugged when you leave.
  8. The Hesburgh Libraries is not responsible for loss or damage to personal items left in carrels.
  9. All library materials in the carrels must be checked out.
  10. The Stacks Management Staff regularly check the carrels and will remove any Library materials that:
    1. Have not been checked out.
    2. Are recorded as missing, lost, or claimed returned.
    3. Are recalled items past the due date.
    4. Belong to non-circulating collections (e.g., Reference, Theology Reference).

View the full list of Closed Carrel Regulations.

Hesburgh Library Circulation Desk

1st Floor Hesburgh Library

(574) 631-6679

(574) 631-1800

Related Resources

284 Hesburgh Library, Notre Dame, IN 46556

Circulation Desk Phone (574) 631-6679

Security Monitors Phone (574) 631-6350


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