Hesburgh Libraries

Notre Dame London Library FAQs

How do I find books, films, etc?

Our catalogue is available online here. You can search by title, by author [or editor or director, etc.] or by words in the subject headings. Click on the title to get to the full record for your item, where you will find the shelf-mark and availability information. This tells you where to look on the library shelves to find your item.

When you are logged in, the full record will tell you if the item is checked out to someone else and give you the opportunity to reserve the item if it is. If you are having difficulties using the catalogue, please get in touch.

How do I check out books?

You can check books out using the self-check stations in the 3rd floor library, or the manual sign-out sheet in the Law Library. You will need your Notre Dame ID card to use the self-check. Just follow the instructions posted by the computers. All library materials are loaned for one week.

How do I check out DVD's and CD's?

You can check out DVDs and CDs using the same self-check system that is used to check out books. The only difference is that the NDL Library barcode will be found on the front of the box instead of on the first page of a book.

How do I renew library materials?

You can renew your books online, via the NDL Library catalogue. Log in and select 'Items I have out.' If someone else has requested an item you have out, you will not be able to renew it.

How do I return library materials?

Leave them in the returns drop box, on your left as you go in the 3rd floor library.

How do I find out about other libraries in London?

For a geographic view, consult the map near the Returns drop-box in the 3rd floor library. For an online listing, outlining collection strengths and access methods, consult External Library fact sheets.

How do I find electronic resources for studying?

Students and faculty in London have access to almost all the electronic journals that they would have on campus, via the Hesburgh Library - be sure to start your searches from their website so that you are prompted for your NDid and password to gain access.

If you need an article that is only available from a print journal held on campus, we have an arrangement with the ILL Department of the Hesburgh Library to provide electronic copies. Log in to place your requests, and select delivery method 'electronic' and the collection location as London.

How do I make photocopies, scans, and print?

There are two multi-function machines in the 3rd floor library, as well as one in the Law Library, and one in the JCR on the Basement level of Fischer Hall. Scanning to email or to a USB drive is freely available. Printing and photocopying count against your London printing quota. Please see the London IT information for details of how to use these devices.

A scene that depicts Notre Dame London Library FAQs

284 Hesburgh Library, Notre Dame, IN 46556

Circulation Desk Phone (574) 631-6679

Security Monitors Phone (574) 631-6350


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