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Notre Dame Archives book launch celebrating 175 years of Notre Dame history

By Kathryn Pitts | August 23, 2017

Notre Dame Archives book launch celebrating 175 years of Notre Dame history

The year 2017 marks the 175th anniversary of the founding of the University of Notre Dame, and Notre Dame at 175: A Visual History celebrates this milestone with a collection of outstanding photographs and images. Charles Lamb and Elizabeth Hogan, both photograph archivists for the University Archives, have chosen 175 images that illustrate the evolution of campus culture and its physical environment. Each image is accompanied by a caption explaining why it is historically and artistically significant. Important pieces of Notre Dame’s rich history are highlighted, along with depictions of everyday life on the beautiful campus. The result is a stunning large-format collection of full-color photographs and images that bring to life the history of Notre Dame’s beloved campus. Lamb and Hogan have taken care to find images that have not been featured in previous pictorial collections; even longtime and die-hard Notre Dame fans will find new and unexpected images in this book.

“Here are 175 images—mostly photographs, but also engravings, maps, paintings, and documents—that Charles Lamb and Elizabeth Hogan have drawn from the treasures of the Notre Dame Archives and arranged chronologically to survey the events and evoke the atmosphere of the 175 years since Edward Sorin and his religious brothers arrived on a bluff above Saint Mary’s Lake and ‘like little children, in spite of the cold . . . went from one extremity to the other, perfectly enchanted with the marvelous beauties of our new abode.’ . . . Charles and Elizabeth draw our collective memory to the great and the common, to the proud and the prosaic moments in the long, fabled history of Notre Dame. Anyone who spends time with these images . . . will share for those few moments in Father Edward Sorin’s first enchantment, and will renew the conviction that Notre Dame must continue to be a powerful means for good.” —Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame, from the foreword

From a photo of a baseball game in 1888 on Brownson Field, to one of iconic chemistry professor Emil T. Hofman strolling with his students in 1983, to the photo of the spontaneous mass held on South Quad on September 11, 2001, and with a foreword by current University President Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., the treasures found in Notre Dame at 175 will fascinate and engage the entire Notre Dame family of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and fans, as well as amateur and professional photographers, historians, and art historians.

Book Events for Notre Dame at 175

Saturday, September 2, Book Signing at Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore, 9:30am – 11:00am

Wednesday, September 6, Book Talk at The History Museum, 1:30pm – 3:00pm

Friday, September 8, Notre Dame at 175 Book Talk and Tour, University of Notre Dame Archives, 2:00pm ­– 4:00pm

Friday, October 20, Notre Dame at 175 Book Talk and Tour, University of Notre Dame Archives, 2:00pm ­– 4:00pm

Friday, October 27, Book Signing at Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore, 3:30pm – 5:00pm

Friday, November 17, Notre Dame at 175 Book Talk and Tour, University of Notre Dame Archives, 2:00pm ­– 4:00pm

Contact: University Archives, archives@nd.edu or (574) 631-6448 

Originally published by undpress.nd.edu.

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